Words by Hanna Pumfrey, Acala founder and COO

After Blue Planet 2 it would seem plastic has gone out of fashion. Way out of fashion! And in my life, I have made many changes to ‘de-plastic’ our home and make better choices when out shopping. But, a glance in my bathroom cabinet tells me plastic clearly hasn’t gone out of the health and beauty industry. For all the current media hype and talk about limiting plastic use from bottles, food packaging and carrier bags, it feels like no one is mentioning beauty products. The focus, in the beauty industry, continues to be on organic and natural. All hugely important but largely focused around what is good for us humans as opposed to what is also good for our environment.

Is the beauty industry a Bermuda triangle for packaging? Contact lenses, creams, lipsticks, bronzers, foundations, mascaras, facial oils, liquid soaps, shampoos and body washes. Everything getting landfilled or ending up in our seas and oceans daily. 

In the beauty industry, fancy packaging is a sign of product success. Did you know that lipstick cases are weighed down so that they feel expensive but become unrecyclable? The jazzier the product packaging the more waste, but finding alternatives, in my experience, is HARD! And with our busy work and personal lives, few of us have the time to hunt around for eco-options.

I am passionate about finding alternatives that make the lives we lead more sustainable, without having to make big lifestyle changes. That is the crux of how Acala was born.

My goal through Acala is to make buying your toiletries and cosmetics consciously as easy and as accessible as popping into a high-street store. It’s all about easy switches and products that provide you the same experience as you have with the brands you currently use. Alongside the store, you can look forward to events and workshops to empower you with knowledge of sustainable alternatives to the things in life you love. As well as make you proud to be part of a movement for a better future. 

Events will help you tune into nature and important topics. Giving you a safe space to express yourself and have fun. Having fun is key to life at Acala!

My promise to Acala’s customers is to provide them with all the tools and products they need to create a better, happier, SUSTAINABLE environment for themselves. And to make sure we all have fun whilst doing it! I will always provide the most environmentally friendly and cruelty free products on the market. Package them in the most economical way possible, and ship them with the smallest carbon footprint I can.

I promise 100% transparency from the store and the brands it works with. I will only work with brands offering natural and cruelty free products that are good for you and the planet. I will also work with my suppliers to continually improve the sustainability of their packaging and processes. All suppliers must sign my supplier code of conduct before I agree to stock them. 

Why Acala?

The name Acala is of Indian - Sanskrit origins and means ‘the immovable one’. And the logo (the two triangles) is a minimalist symbol for balance or equilibrium.

It symbolises how I view the world and this businesses role in it. Acala exists to provide immovable balance between people and planet. It is with this constant equilibrium between us and nature that I believe we can secure our sustainable future.

 So, what do you think? I want Acala to be the answer to your eco-friendly health and beauty needs, all in one place, so your feedback is key!

Any questions, queries, thoughts, suggestions, woop woops because you’re so happy to have discovered Acala, please do drop a comment below or send me an email at hanna@acalaonline.com.

I want to hear from you!!

Hanna x


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